12Climb: Your Climbing Ally
Icon 12Climb: Your Climbing Ally

12Climb: Your Climbing Ally

by 12Climb

App to track progress, join comps & see updates in a climbing gym.

App Name12Climb: Your Climbing Ally
CategoryHealth & Fitness
Download Size44 MB
Latest Version3.7
Average Rating4.43
Rating Count137
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Screenshot 12Climb: Your Climbing Ally
Screenshot 12Climb: Your Climbing Ally
Screenshot 12Climb: Your Climbing Ally
Screenshot 12Climb: Your Climbing Ally
An application for climbers that will make training in the gym more interesting and useful. It also allows you to control the 12Climb interactive climbing board.

Main features:
1. Tracking your own achievements in training, with convenient statistics, calorie calculation, and rating.
2. Ability to share training results with friends on social networks.
3. A single database of all routes in your gym with the possibility of sorting and filtering, and the ability to leave feedback about the route.
4. Conducting competitions and festivals within the app.
5. A database of climbing gyms (it's easy to find the one closest to you or let us know and we'll add a new one).
6. Easy creation of your own customized routes in the app for the climbing gym.
7. Control the 12Climb interactive climbing board with a single base of routes for children, beginners, and amateurs.

Recent changes:
Hi Climber! 🧗

We're excited to introduce some fantastic new features with this release:
1. iOS 17 Improvements. Experience enhanced performance and usability with our latest optimizations for iOS 17.
2. Recent Sector While Creating a Route. Now, easily access and select your recent climbing sectors while creating a new route. Streamlining the process for a smoother climbing experience.

We hope you enjoy these updates and they add even more thrill to your climbing adventures. Climb on! 🚀

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