1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon
Icon 1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon

1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon

by SGM Bible Apps

KJV Bible along with more than 5000 lexical words and meanings.

App Name1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon
DeveloperSGM Bible Apps
CategoryBooks & Reference
Download Size30 MB
Latest Version1.0.8
Average Rating4.25
Rating Count25
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Screenshot 1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon
Screenshot 1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon
Screenshot 1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon
Screenshot 1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon
This Bible contains Strong's words and their meaning from both Hebrew and Greek. Each number is assigned with its respective meaning in English language.
The 1611 Bible was originally published in 1611AD. This is one of the most trusted translations of the Bible.
This application contains complete lexicon along with extensive cross reference verses for each verse.

Recent changes:
Minor bug fixes.

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