HomeAppsBooks & Reference1611 KJV with Strong LexiconApps like 1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon Here are some great alternatives to 1611 KJV with Strong Lexicon by SGM Bible Apps : Hebrew and Greek Strongs Bible ★4.5 Bible Concordance - Strong's ★4.3 KJV Bible with Strong's ★4.6 1611 KJV Bible ★3.8 Bible Concordance & Strongs ★4.7 KJV Bible ★4.7 King James Study Bible KJV ★4.6 Bible Study with Concordance ★4.8 Strongs Concordance Offline ★3.8 1611 KJV Bible ★4.3 Bible Strongs Concordance +KJV ★3.9 English Swahili Bible ★4.8 KJV Amplified Bible ★4.7 TSK Bible Commentary ★4.1 King James Bible - KJV Offline ★4.8 Bible - Daily Bible KJV ★4.5