HomeGamesCard3WayGames like 3Way Here are some great alternatives to 3Way by Suntree Games : Hearts ★4.1 Oh Hell ★4.3 Classic 29 Card Game Offline ★4.3 Whist ★3.4 Call Break Plus ★4.0 Double Deck Pinochle ‣ ★4.0 SVARA BY FORTEGAMES ( SVARKA ) ★4.5 Spades ★3.3 Lieng - Cao To ★3.7 Wild Four ★4.2 Thirty one - 31 card game. ★3.6 Palace ★3.6 31 Card Game Multiplayer ★3.5 Hearts ★3.3 BlackJack: card game ★4.2 Uno - Card Party Game ★4.6