Adhan Canada
Icon Adhan Canada

Adhan Canada

by TheLibertyDev

A Prayer times and Qibla direction for Canada

App NameAdhan Canada
Download Size17 MB
Latest Version0.1.3
Average Rating0.00
Rating Count0
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Screenshot Adhan Canada
Screenshot Adhan Canada
Screenshot Adhan Canada
Screenshot Adhan Canada
Adhan Canada is a prayer times and Qibla direction calculator for all Canadian cities with many features.


- Auto location detection using device GPS sensor
- Manual city search for most Canadian cities
- Manual location using your given latitude and longitude
- Dark (Night) Mode period customization
- Multilingual interface (English, French and Arabic)
- Create reminders before or after any prayer
- Qibla direction
- Multiple Adhan audio
- Multiple alarm sounds for reminders
- Counter down to the next prayer
- Customization using your own photo
- Displaying Hijri and Gregorian dates
- Hijri calendar adjustment
- Daily Prayer times table navigation
- Sound volume customization for each prayer
- Global sound volume level for Adhan
- Stop Adhan by returning your phone
- Dua after Adhan
- Monthly timetable
- Hijri and gregorian Calendars
- Listening to The Noble Quran for many reciters with the possibility to download the audio for offline listening
- Adhkar section

... and more is coming inshaaAllah!

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