HomeAppsCommunicationAMN InterpretingApps like AMN Interpreting Here are some great alternatives to AMN Interpreting by Stratus Video, LLC : Jeenie: 24/7 Live Interpreting ★4.1 Propio ONE ★4.8 LanguageLine InSight ★4.0 Sorenson Express ★4.9 Voyce Global ★4.8 InterpretManager ★3.6 Day Interpreting ★4.5 Túlka ★4.6 Interprefy ★3.7 Optometry Translator Spanish ★5.0 Interpreter Voice Translator ★4.5 djanah - Deaf and Hard of Hear ★3.7 Speak Freely Pro ★3.9 Translate- Language Translator ★4.5 Speak and Translate Languages ★4.2 Care to Translate ★4.5