HomeAppsToolsAnglin Civil Employee AppApps like Anglin Civil Employee App Here are some great alternatives to Anglin Civil Employee App by AvSnow : FAA Civil Rights ★4.0 Cedars-Sinai Employee App ★4.4 Employee ★4.2 Mundy Employee ★3.7 Snap Schedule 365 Employee ★3.3 TimeTrakGO Employee Time Clock ★3.9 Egypt Gas Employees ★3.4 Deputy Employee Time Clock App ★3.8 TimeWorksPlus ★3.5 Findmyshift ★4.5 Workforce ★4.3 Attendance and Payroll App ★4.1 Rotschy App ★5.0 Encore – Mobile Workforce ★3.5 SutiHR ★3.9 Candidate Mobile App ★3.5