Anti Shake Telescope
Icon Anti Shake Telescope

Anti Shake Telescope

by Widget7

Turn your Android device into telescope or binoculars

App NameAnti Shake Telescope
Download Size4 MB
Latest Version1.2.8
Average Rating3.63
Rating Count132
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Screenshot Anti Shake Telescope
Screenshot Anti Shake Telescope
Screenshot Anti Shake Telescope
Screenshot Anti Shake Telescope
1. Why do you need Telescope App?
You don't need to carry a telescope or binoculars anymore. When you want to watch the faraway objects, Telescope App can be the solution.
2. Why do you need the Anti Shake Telescope?
Generic Telescope App needs to hold the phone steady to find the object, The far image is difficult to stabilize because the pulse of your hand will shake the phone.
Anti Shake Telescope has high-quality video stabilization feature.
It can display two zoom images, you can see the details of the object and the whole object clearly at the same time, you don't need to adjust the focus manually.
It also supports double zoom than orginal camera. For example, it can zoom 8x if the mobile only supports zoom 4x.
3. What is the Anti Shake Telescope?
Anti Shake Telescope turn your Android device into telescope or binoculars, which can display both normal and enlarged images at the same time.
4. How to use the Anti Shake Telescope?
* One-click to open or pull down the notification bar to open.
* Tap "Anti-Shake" icon to stabilize the image.
* Tap the screen to switch between dual telescope mode or single telescope mode.
* When in the dark, Tap "Light" icon to illuminate the object with flashlight.
* Tap "Lock" icon to freeze the picture.

Recent changes:
1.2.8 Minor modification

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