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by wer denkt was GmbH

Earn money with your smartphone! The easy crowdsourcing app!

App NameappJobber
Developerwer denkt was GmbH
Download Size7 MB
Latest Version2.9.5
Average Rating1.00
Rating Count3,243
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Screenshot appJobber
Screenshot appJobber
Screenshot appJobber
Screenshot appJobber
appJobber - the microjobbing app! Receive cash for fulfilling small tasks on your smartphone. Europe's leading micro-jobbing app is now also available in the UK and in Spain.

Named "App of the Week" by
Named app of the year for minijobbing by AndroidMag

You're often out and about in the city, on foot or on your bike? You just missed the bus, have a break between lectures, or just need to make the time go by? Then become an appJobber! Do microjobs on your smartphone, and get paid for it! There are thousands of jobs available for you right now - to do whenever you want! For a job you might need to, for instance, take pictures of a certain place, answer some questions, or explore a certain street. Then, for each successfully completed job, you'll be rewarded with a couple of pounds.

Start jobbing now in: UK, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

To become an appJobber:

1. Download the app

2. Choose a job

3. Complete the job

4. Get paid!

Visit us at

Warning: to avoid the transmission of wrong positions, the app gives an error notice when it receives wrong or incomplete GPS data.
This might cause the impossibility to execute Jobs on devices with Cyanogenmod. If problems occur, then make sure that your GPS is functioning correctly on other apps and that in case of an installed Privacy Guard, appJobber has access to localisation.

App Jobber uses map information from OpenStreetMap, published under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 2.0 license.

Recent changes:
Fixed many small bugs

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