Aquarius2Go Astrology
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Aquarius2Go Astrology

by AqSoft

Aquarius2Go is an Astrology chart application for professional astrologers.

App NameAquarius2Go Astrology
Download Size4 MB
Latest Version4.11
Average Rating3.94
Rating Count4,269
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Screenshot Aquarius2Go Astrology
Screenshot Aquarius2Go Astrology
Screenshot Aquarius2Go Astrology
Screenshot Aquarius2Go Astrology
Aquarius2Go is an Astrology app to calculate and show astrology charts with the following main features:
- Zodiac Chart for horoscopetypes: Radix, Transite, Solar arc Progression, Secondary Progression, Solar Return, Synastry, Davison Relationship and other
- all planets including Chiron and other small planets
- aspect table including mirror points.
- time periode transites
- lunar calendar
- Astrological clock
- Synchronize the horoscope data to a web server to exchange the data with other smartphones, tablets, or the PC program Aquarius V3

Recent changes:
Sort option on zodiac sign
Add option for local time LMT instead of timezone
Ascending and descending moon always based on tropical zodiac

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