HomeGamesArcadeArcherCatGames like ArcherCat Here are some great alternatives to ArcherCat by Cravemob : CatnRobot Idle TD: Battle Cat ★4.3 The Secret of Cat Island ★4.3 Cat War2 ★4.4 Cat War ★4.4 Cat Wizard: Survivor ★3.8 Archer War 3D: Archery Games ★4.7 Cat Fishing 2 ★4.3 Find a cat - Catotopia ★4.5 Night at the Meowseum ★4.3 Super Cat Tales: PAWS ★4.7 Super Cat Tales 2 ★4.7 The Cat ★3.5 The Battle Cats ★4.5 Tile Puzzle Cats ★4.6 Cat Simulator 2 ★4.3 Cats Tower - Adorable Cat Game ★3.7