Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen
Icon Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen

Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen

by Balint Infotech

Set Auto Tapping & Auto swipe on your mobile screen while gaming OR using apps.

App NameAuto Tap & Swipe on Screen
DeveloperBalint Infotech
Download Size9 MB
Latest Version12.0
Average Rating2.94
Rating Count394
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Screenshot Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen
Screenshot Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen
Screenshot Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen
Screenshot Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen
Easily set Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen using this unique and multi-feature Android app. Enable various features of Easy Set Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen like single click, multiple click, swipe targets, preview actions to efficiently make use of the app!

- Single Target
- Multiple Target
- Swiper Mode (Supports multiple tapping points, multiple swipes)
- Curve Swipe 
- Configurations
- Minimize/Maximize Controller Bar 

Automatic tap & Auto Swipe is a feature-driven Android app. Auto Tapping perfectly works for taping games and while using app in your mobile. Auto Swapper on Screen app is one of the finest Auto Swiper Android apps that serves its users the best user experience with Auto Swipe clicker.

Features of Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen:
- Readily available Auto swipe tool.
- Instant click executions.
- Single Target
- Multiple Target
- Swiper Mode
- Configurations
- Minimize/Maximize Controller Bar 
- Manually set delay time before do next click.
- Start after start condition.
- Stop after stop condition.
- Directly save from control bar.
- Can preview the settings.
- Click or long press.
- Scroll up/down
- Curve scroll

Functions of control bar:
- Tap 4-way arrow icon to move the floating menu.
- Click on play buttons to run clicks
- Tap on circle icon to preview tapping actions.
- On tapping on target icon clickers get added.
- To end the event tap on cross icon.
- Tap on up directed arrow for up/down OR vice versa scroll.
- On tapping on hand icon you can set curve scroll
- By tapping on minus(-) the recent added tapper will be removed.
- By tapping zoom In/Out the control bar gets Minimize/Maximize.
- Tap on invisible content icon to invisible target point.
- Tap on save icon to save Configure Auto Tapper clicks.
- On setting icon you fet all settting configuration.
- Tap on cross icon to close controller bar & exit auto tap script.

Settings Option Includes:
Common setting
Default values:

1. Delay
- The delay time before performing next click.

2. Number of Repetitions
- You can set the number of time action should repeat.

3. Tap Duration
- Hold time for clicker in ms

4. Swipe Duration
- Duration in ms for the swipe action.

Start script:
1. Specify number
- Script will start from specified number

2. Start script after 
- Script will start after given delay time

Stop script:
Specify after 
- You can add condition run infinitely, Auto run duration in HH:MM::SS & auto run cycles in number.

Loop delay: 
- Duration in ms after which loop start repeating.

1. Controller settings
- It includes control bar size, control bar opacity and  control bar item arrangements.

2. Pointer settings
- This option includes view size and Opacity.

- This option shows saved configuration.

- Free to install.
- Quick installation process.
- Lightweight application.
- Easy to understand.
- Simple and pleasant theme.
- Easy-to-use functionality.

This app requires overlay permission to function over other apps & also accessibility permission for initialization of its functionality.
Install the Auto Tap & Swipe on Screen app NOW!!!

Accessibility permission:
- This application requires the Accessibility Services API to implement its core functions, such as performing clicks, swipes, and other core functions.
- We do not collect and/or share personal or sensitive data using the accessibility capabilities.

Recent changes:
- Minor bugs fixes.

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