HomeAppsBusinessAutomaid TeamsApps like Automaid Teams Here are some great alternatives to Automaid Teams by Launch 27 : Maidily: Scheduling Software ★4.2 Girls Home Cleaning & Repair ★3.7 Cleanster - Book a Cleaner Now ★3.7 Getcleaner: Cleaning Services ★3.5 Jobber: Field Service Software ★4.7 Mangomint ★4.1 The CoBuilders ★3.7 HelperPlace - Job for Helpers ★3.3 Justlife Partner ★4.6 bTaskee - Home Services ★4.6 Taskbird ★3.3 InstaService Pro: Work Smartly ★3.5 KNOW HK ★4.7 resOS - Restaurant Software ★3.6 SD Maid 1 Pro - Unlocker ★4.5 JupViec.vn - Home services ★5.0