HomeAppsBusinessAvero LogbookApps like Avero Logbook Here are some great alternatives to Avero Logbook by Avero : HotSchedules Logbook ★4.4 Crunchtime Teamworx ★3.5 SMART Shift ★3.6 7shifts: Employee Scheduling ★4.6 Cover by SynergySuite ★4.1 OneClick - Team Manager ★4.3 intelliPilot - Pilot LogBook ★4.2 ScheduleNow ★3.9 Ameego ★4.8 Radar On the Fly ★3.7 Restaurant365 ★4.7 7punches: Simple Time Clocking ★3.4 PAR OPS ★3.4 rInsights ★3.2 Zip Schedules ★3.8 Beyond One ★3.8