HomeAppsLifestyleBe StillApps like Be Still Here are some great alternatives to Be Still by Second Baptist Church : Bible Meditation -Pray & Study ★4.8 A Praying Life - Prayer Cards ★3.9 Pray Screen Time - Bible Focus ★4.8 31 Day Prayer Challenges ★4.7 PrayGo -Daily Bible Meditation ★4.6 Prayse ★5.0 Strategic Renewal Prayer App ★5.0 God's Calming Promises To You ★4.4 Daily Affirmations Bible Study ★4.2 PrayerNet -Christian Social ★4.4 Echo Prayer ★4.2 Daily Bible Verse+Daily Prayer ★4.7 Prayer points with bible verse ★4.7 DAILY AFFIRMATION DEVOTIONAL ★4.5 Daily Prayer Bible Quotes MP3 ★4.8 Prayminder ★4.4