HomeAppsCommunicationBGIS AlertsApps like BGIS Alerts Here are some great alternatives to BGIS Alerts by Barbados Government Information Service : Saskatchewan Emergency Alert ★4.7 Alertable ★4.0 Savvy Citizen ★4.7 Voyent Alert! ★4.1 Alberta Emergency Alert ★4.2 Wehealth Notify ★3.7 uAlert - Ukraine Rocket Alerts ★4.5 My Town Alerts ★4.6 GovHK Notifications ★3.6 Weather Live - Radar & Alerts ★4.7 Disaster Alert ★3.9 Severe Weather Alerts ★4.2 Alert 360 ★3.7 weatherUSA Weather and Alerts ★4.0 Medical Alert Connect ★3.4 Weather Alerts ★4.3