HomeAppsBooks & ReferenceBible NETApps like Bible NET Here are some great alternatives to Bible NET by DPStudios : Holy Bible + Daily Bible Verse ★4.9 Amplifying Bible ★4.8 World English Bible ★4.8 Bible King James Version ★4.7 Bible [KJV] ★5.0 Bible King James Version PRO ★4.8 World English Bible PRO ★4.9 Daily Bible Verse Notification ★4.5 Holy Bible KJV Offline ★4.7 American Standard Bible ★4.4 The Holy Bible English & KJV ★4.5 Hebrew Bible ★4.1 King James Bible ★4.8 Offline Bible app with audio ★4.8 King James Version Holy Bible ★4.4 NET Bible ★4.6