HomeAppsBooks & ReferenceBible - Study, Audio & QuizApps like Bible - Study, Audio & Quiz Here are some great alternatives to Bible - Study, Audio & Quiz by Holisite : Study Bible commentary offline ★4.7 Daily Bible - KJV Holy Bible ★4.8 Holy Bible: KJV Bible Study ★4.1 My Bible - Verse+Audio ★4.8 Holy Bible-Verse & Prayer ★4.5 King James Study Bible "KJV" ★4.8 KJV Bible - King James Version ★4.2 Bible Audio - KJV World Bible ★5.0 Youth Bible King James offline ★4.5 Bible KJV offline with voice ★4.7 King James Bible audio offline ★4.6 KJV Bible: Offline Version ★4.6 Holy Bible KJV - Audio+Verse ★4.8 KJV Bible Version with Audio ★4.5 KJV Daily Bible - Verse+Audio ★4.5 King James Bible ★4.8