HomeAppsBooks & ReferenceBirth to Five HelplineApps like Birth to Five Helpline Here are some great alternatives to Birth to Five Helpline by Southwest Human Development | Easterseals SWHD : Bebbo parenting app ★4.4 BabyLiveAdvice ★4.2 The Observant Mom ★4.9 Seattle Children's ★4.7 Parenting Guru-App for Parents ★3.4 Growth Book - Baby Development ★3.6 Rayz Kidz ★4.6 Let’s Get Ready! ★4.2 Mightier Parent App ★4.2 Mindful Birth ★4.2 June Care ★4.9 Parent: Child Care App ★3.7 CDC Milestone Tracker ★4.9 Mother birth newborn ★3.9 Pediatric/emergency/calculator ★3.3 Super Dad Guide for new daddys ★4.6