HomeAppsMedicalBlueCareApps like BlueCare Here are some great alternatives to BlueCare by Louisiana Health Service and Indemnity Company : BlueCare Anywhere ★4.0 BlueCare Connect RI ★3.6 Drs. Online ★3.7 Amwell: Doctor Visits 24/7 ★4.0 MedStar eVisit – Telehealth ★4.3 Allyhealth ★4.7 BCBSNM ★3.5 BCBSM ★4.5 WeHealth ★4.8 MU Health Care Video Visits ★4.5 Doctors Care ★4.1 BCBSOK ★3.3 Blue Shield of California ★3.6 Explore My Plan ★3.7 McLeod Telehealth ★4.7 Alabama Blue ★4.4