HomeAppsToolsBlueRail Trains E-Z AppApps like BlueRail Trains E-Z App Here are some great alternatives to BlueRail Trains E-Z App by BlueRail Trains LLC : E-Z App® Train Control ★3.2 Arduino Bluetooth Controller ★3.6 Arduino Bluetooth Control ★3.6 Bluetouch™ Keyboard and Mouse ★3.8 Bluetooth Pair Auto Connect ★4.4 Linkr Mobile ★4.2 Bluetooth Electronics ★4.1 LEGO® DUPLO® Connected Train ★4.1 GARDENA Bluetooth® App ★3.8 ForceSync Lite ★4.7 Electric Scooter Universal App ★3.4 Bluetooth Remote ★3.9 Regatta Indoor Rowing ★4.3 Bluetooth Classic ★3.9 Arduino Bluetooth Controller ★4.2 Sonim BLE Connect ★3.8