HomeAppsFood & DrinkCafe Cream And MyLo’sApps like Cafe Cream And MyLo’s Here are some great alternatives to Cafe Cream And MyLo’s by Blended Technologies : Super Smash Ice Cream ★5.0 Twin Lakes Creamery ★4.5 Trailside Treats ★4.9 Panama Bay Coffee ★4.7 Grounds Central Station ★5.0 Temp Coffee ★4.9 Lefty's Eats & Espresso ★4.4 Guest House ★5.0 Starbucks Singapore ★3.5 Ramblin Joes Coffee ★4.8 Oasis Cafe - Official ★4.2 Libertalia Coffee Company ★5.0 Leaves 'n Beans Coffee by Orda ★4.7 Starbucks Hong Kong ★3.5 Kribi Coffee ★4.6 Saxbys ★4.5