HomeAppsMaps & Navigationcalimoto — Motorcycle GPSApps like calimoto — Motorcycle GPS Here are some great alternatives to calimoto — Motorcycle GPS by calimoto GmbH : Motorcycle riding with Motobit ★3.5 Kurviger Motorcycle Navigation ★4.2 Beeline ★4.6 Route Planner - Vision Map ★4.3 Voice GPS Navigation Direction ★4.4 Cyclers: Bike Navigation & Map ★4.6 Ride with GPS: Bike Navigation ★4.7 Bike Citizens Cycling App GPS ★4.2 GPS Navigation - Trip Planner ★4.2 Live MAPS & GPS Navigation ★4.3 GPS Navigation, Road Maps ★4.3 Offline Maps: GPS Navigation ★3.8 BRP GO!: Maps & Navigation ★3.9 Voice GPS Driving Route & Maps ★4.6 TouchTrails: Route Planner ★4.0 Naviki – Bike navigation ★4.3