HomeGamesStrategyCall of SpartanGames like Call of Spartan Here are some great alternatives to Call of Spartan by Wang Xin : Fire and Glory: Blood War ★4.6 Age of Heroes ★4.3 Spartan Firefight ★4.7 Spartan Runner ★4.7 Knights and Glory - Battle ★3.5 GRAND CROSS : Age of Titans ★3.8 Roll Dice: Three Kingdoms ★4.1 Gods of Olympus ★4.6 War Inc: Raid ★4.5 WonderBoard ★3.5 Honor of Kings ★4.7 Trojan Wars: Battle & Defense ★4.5 Kingdom Heroes - Empire ★3.6 Warhammer Quest ★4.2 Dicast: Rules of Chaos ★4.2 Road to Valor: Empires ★4.2