HomeAppsLifestyleCalm and ConfidentApps like Calm and Confident Here are some great alternatives to Calm and Confident by Mark Grant : Build Confidence with Andrew J ★4.5 Mental: AI Therapy ★4.7 Namatata - Calm Meditation ★4.1 Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson ★4.0 Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax ★4.4 Public Speaking with Andrew Jo ★4.6 Anxiety Solution Stress Relief ★4.5 Lumiere: Ease Stress & Anxiety ★4.6 Beat Social Phobia with Andrew ★4.2 Psyhelp: Therapy & Psychology ★5.0 Cingulo: Healing and Growth ★4.5 Enhanced - Guided Meditation ★4.3 Calming Anxiety ★3.9 Pause - Guided Meditation & re ★4.5 Don't Panic with Andrew Johnso ★4.9 Calmverse : Relax and Meditate ★4.4