HomeGamesAdventureCamelot: The Green KnightGames like Camelot: The Green Knight Here are some great alternatives to Camelot: The Green Knight by Tall Tale Games Ltd : Knights of Romance and Valor ★4.5 Heroes of Camelot ★3.7 King Arthur: Legends Rise ★4.3 Hidden Expedition: King's Line ★4.4 Hidden Expedition 21 f2p ★4.6 Arthurian Tarot ★4.7 Royal Legends: Exile ★3.9 Royal Knight Tiny Hero Legend ★4.2 Dark Romance: Winter Lily ★4.4 Knight Cats 3: Find Objects ★4.7 Fairy Godmother: Dream ★4.5 Lost Grimoires 2 (Full) ★4.2 Lost Grimoires 2 ★4.4 Frost & Flame: King of Avalon ★4.3 Fairy Godmother: Red Hood ★4.6 King's Heir (Full) ★4.6