HomeGamesEducationalCDC BAM! Dining DecisionsGames like CDC BAM! Dining Decisions Here are some great alternatives to CDC BAM! Dining Decisions by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : U of Chew ★4.8 Nutrisense ★3.6 Ate Food Journal & Photo Diary ★4.1 Fddb - Calorie Counter & Diet ★3.5 Calorie Mama AI: Meal Planner ★3.6 My Macros+ | Diet & Calories ★4.5 Health Nutrition Tracker ★4.3 iCook: Meal Planner & Recipes ★3.6 SociEATy: Intuitive Eating App ★4.5 Avatar Nutrition: Macros Diet ★4.5 Mealligram - my health journal ★4.3 Healthy Eating Meal Plans ★4.2 Food 4 Your Blood Type ★4.2 BiteTracker: Plan & Track Food ★4.3 Teach Your Monster Eating Game ★3.6 MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter ★4.3