HomeAppsMedicalChemoSafeApps like ChemoSafe Here are some great alternatives to ChemoSafe by American Cancer Society : CosmEthics: Guide to cosmetics ★3.8 Safety Advocate ★4.1 Safe365 ★3.5 The Washington Manual ★4.8 Nurse’s Drug Handbook ★4.3 100 Essential drugs ★4.0 OB Express 2.0 ★4.2 Safesite Safety Management App ★4.0 Drug Search & Drug Interaction ★3.4 SafeDosePro Mobile ★3.3 DuPont™ SafeSPEC™ Mobile ★3.9 PEPID for Android ★4.4 Medscape ★3.9 ONCOassist ★4.6 MIMS - Drug, Disease, News ★3.7 MIMS - Drug, Disease, News ★5.0