HomeAppsFood & DrinkCityDrinks - Beverage DeliveryApps like CityDrinks - Beverage Delivery Here are some great alternatives to CityDrinks - Beverage Delivery by CityDrinks : Get Spiritz: Alcohol Delivery ★3.4 delivery.com:Food Booze & More ★3.4 Tried-It: Wine Beer Cocktails ★5.0 HOP HEY: Wine & beer delivery ★4.3 All Cocktail and Drink Recipes ★4.4 7NOW: Food Delivery & Alcohol ★4.3 A&E Shop Bahrain ★4.9 Cheersrus ★5.0 Wine.com ★4.7 7-Eleven: Rewards & Shopping ★4.8 Barmy Wines & Liquor ★4.9 Downtown Spirits ★4.2 Turnt Liquor ★4.5 DSDLink ★3.6 Gopuff—Alcohol & Food Delivery ★4.5 Zipps Liquor ★4.8