CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati
Icon CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati

CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati


Find all stations of CNG, LNG, LPG and Electrics.

App NameCNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati
CategoryAuto & Vehicles
Download Size12 MB
Latest Version2.0.0.27
Average Rating3.23
Rating Count30,103
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Screenshot CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati
Screenshot CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati
Screenshot CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati
Screenshot CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati is the mobile application for Android Online Magazine dedicated to sustainable mobility.

The application provides all the information needed to reach the filling station of CNG, LNG, LPG and electrics fuel.

Data are available (address, hours, price, phone number) of CNG, LNG, LPG and electrics fuel distributors of:

- Austria
- Belgium
- Croatia (CNG only)
- Finland
- France
. Germany (CNG only)
- Greece (CNG only)
- Italy
- Liechtenstein (CNG only)
- Luxembourg
- Macedonia (CNG only)
- Netherlands
- Republic of San Marino
- Serbia (CNG only)
- Slovenia (CNG only)
- Spain
- Switzerland

The database includes 2600 CNG station and 8000 LPG station.

Recent changes:
Bug fixing and stability improvement
Stability improvements have been applied and the versions of the libraries used have been updated.

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