Complete Concise Commentary
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Complete Concise Commentary

by ATSofts

Verse by verse commentary of the entire Holy Scriputre.

App NameComplete Concise Commentary
CategoryBooks & Reference
Download Size32 MB
Latest Version1.0.4
Average Rating0.00
Rating Count0
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Screenshot Complete Concise Commentary
Screenshot Complete Concise Commentary
Screenshot Complete Concise Commentary
This concise commentary is an essential tool in understanding the Biblical text in a more clearer way. It includes verse by verse commentary of the complete Bible from both Old and New Testament. The commentaries are clear and concise which covers historical context of the text.
These writings are supplemented with additional references verses and notes. These notes can be quickly viewed with a single tap, without being required to leave the application.
Some other features included are word searchable option, which enables to search verse from both Old and New Testament. It also includes and notes and highlight feature. These features are useful to keep record of the important verses and notes.

Recent changes:
Minor fixes.

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