HomeAppsCommunicationConnectBotApps like ConnectBot Here are some great alternatives to ConnectBot by Kenny Root : GSW ConnectBot - TE & Browser ★3.9 SecureBox-ssh,sftp,scp and etc ★3.6 AGN INJECTOR (SSH/DNS/UDP) VPN ★4.0 TermBot: SSH + hardware keys ★3.9 JuiceSSH - SSH Client ★4.4 Admin Hand SSH/SFTP/FTP Client ★4.2 NetMod VPN Client (V2Ray/SSH) ★4.3 NetPal - netcat for Android ★4.3 SSH Commands ★5.0 PentestKit Mobile ★4.2 Remote Desktop Manager ★3.8 Sssh_CL - SSH/SFTP Client ★4.7 Ikev2 End-to-End Encryption ★3.8 SocksHttp Plus ★3.6 Ouss Tunnel ★4.3 Termius - SSH and SFTP client ★4.6