Cool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn
Icon Cool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn

Cool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn

by Cy Tech

Safer and faster internet

App NameCool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn
DeveloperCy Tech
Download Size23 MB
Latest Version1.7.5
Average Rating3.96
Rating Count1,047
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Screenshot Cool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn
Screenshot Cool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn
Screenshot Cool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn
Screenshot Cool Vpn - Secure Proxy Vpn
Cool Vpn is an application that provides free Vpn service. It will be enough to press a single button to connect. You will be able to access the internet securely and quickly anonymously.

Cool Vpn encrypts your internet connection, preventing third parties from tracking your online activity.

In Cool Vpn, it is possible to connect to a vpn server of your choice over multiple countries.

You can also measure your internet speed with Cool Vpn.

Individual internet users can connect to the internet with Cool Vpn to circumvent censorship and restrictions or to protect their personal identity.

VPNs cannot make online connections completely anonymous. But they can increase privacy and security.

Why Cool VPN?
- Lots of server options
- Safe and fast servers
- The opportunity to access the fastest server at any time with constantly updated servers
- Simple and clear user interface
- Few ads
- No need to register
- No usage and time limits

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