HomeAppsMusic & AudioCrested JayApps like Crested Jay Here are some great alternatives to Crested Jay by Asfa Labs : Blue Jay Sounds ★4.8 Jay Bird Theme ★5.0 Blue Jay Sounds ★4.5 Thai Bird Sounds ★4.5 Birds Images App ★4.2 BirdID - Sound Bird Identifier ★4.0 Bird Life ★4.7 Bird Sounds ★3.7 Birds Sounds Ringtones ★4.4 Birdie Memory ★5.0 Ringtones, bird sounds ★4.9 Bird Sound Identifier Bird ID ★4.5 Birds Sounds Ringtones ★4.6 Picture Bird - Bird Identifier ★4.6 Birds Live Wallpaper ★4.6 A to Z Birds Name ★3.7