HomeAppsLifestyleDaily Prayer AppApps like Daily Prayer App Here are some great alternatives to Daily Prayer App by RethinkMe : Daily Prayer PC(USA) ★4.2 Common Prayer Canada ★5.0 Common Prayer ★4.7 Pray Alarm, Calendar & Bible ★4.9 Reflections for Daily Prayer ★4.5 Daily Prayer Bible Quotes MP3 ★4.8 Amen: Catholic Bible & Prayers ★4.9 Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse ★4.8 Magnificat British Edition ★4.2 Meditations Daily Devotional ★4.0 SoulRISE - Daily Prayer ★5.0 A Minute of Prayer - Daily Dev ★3.9 Orthodox Daily Prayers ★3.8 Prayers for Every Occasion ★4.5 Catholic Prayers ★4.8 Divine Office ★4.7