HomeAppsBooks & ReferenceDaily Prayer: from the CofEApps like Daily Prayer: from the CofE Here are some great alternatives to Daily Prayer: from the CofE by Hymns Ancient & Modern : Daily Prayer PC(USA) ★4.2 Common Prayer ★4.7 365 Morning & Evening Prayers ★3.4 Morning and Evening Prayers ★3.3 Anglican Bible Reading Plan ★4.6 Common Prayer Canada ★5.0 Magnificat British Edition ★4.2 Orthodox Daily Prayers ★3.8 Daily Devotionals & Prayers ★4.7 Catholics Prayer & Bible ★4.7 electronic Common Prayer ★3.3 Morning & Evening Prayers ★4.7 Christian prayers audio ★4.6 Catholic Prayers : Official ★4.6 KJV Bible: Audio+Verse ★4.7 PrayGo -Daily Bible Meditation ★4.6