HomeAppsLifestyleDaily Prayer: Morning, EveningApps like Daily Prayer: Morning, Evening Here are some great alternatives to Daily Prayer: Morning, Evening by Khobta App : AI Priest - Prayer Generator ★4.7 Morning and Evening Prayers ★3.3 Daily Bible Verse+Daily Prayer ★4.7 Devotional & Blessings Prayers ★4.6 Morning & Evening Prayers ★4.7 Blessed Morning Prayer ★4.9 365 Morning & Evening Prayers ★3.4 Christian Prayers ★5.0 Daily Devotionals & Prayers ★4.7 Everyday Good Morning Prayers ★4.0 Daily Prayer Meditation ★4.9 Daily Prayer: from the CofE ★4.8 Good Morning Blessing & Prayer ★4.8 Morning, Noon & Evening Prayer ★4.7 Blessed daily prayers ★4.8 Blessed Morning Prayer & Wish ★5.0