HomeAppsToolsDeadPixApps like DeadPix Here are some great alternatives to DeadPix by CodeDead : LCD Screen Dead Pixel Fix ★4.1 Dead Pixels Test and Fix ★3.9 Dead/Defective Pixel Test& Fix ★3.6 Screen Dead Pixel Fix/Repair ★3.6 Dead Pixel Fix - LCD & IPS ★3.4 Burn-in Fixer ★4.0 Detect Dead Pixels & Touchscre ★4.2 Backlight Bleed Test ★4.3 Screen Check: Dead Pixels Test ★4.3 Touchscreen Dead pixels Repair ★4.2 Screen Calibration ★3.4 Burn-in fixer ★3.9 Screen Test ★4.4 InjuredPixels: Dead Pixel Test ★4.2 Touchscreen Calibration, Test ★3.9 Display Calibration ★4.1