Decks for HS
Icon Decks for HS

Decks for HS

by Lvsmsmch

Find new HS decks with this easy to use app.

App NameDecks for HS
Download Size7 MB
Latest Version1.15
Average Rating4.55
Rating Count218
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Screenshot Decks for HS
Screenshot Decks for HS
Screenshot Decks for HS
Screenshot Decks for HS
"Decks for HS" is NOT an official app. The card images are the sole property of Blizzard and have been used in this app for non profit purposes only.

Find new Wild or Standard decks like never before with this lightweight and easy to use app with nice animations and user friendly interface.

You can find more than 450 000 different decks in this app for both Standard and Wild games mode. In the preview of each deck shown its Title, game format, dust needed to craft it, amount of views and creation date.

By clicking on a deck, you will see a list of cards this deck contains from. By clicking on a card, full-size image of it and its personal quote will appear on the screen. You can swipe cards to move further and see all cards or just click on any side of the screen to move through them fast.

Search for decks by name, for example: Control Warlock.

In the search box, select specific classes to display.

By clicking a "Save" button, the deck will be saved and later appear in "Favorite decks" menu. All saved decks will be stored in phone storage, though you still need internet connection to view cards.

Click a "Copy" icon to copy deck code and then just paste it into hearthstone to import the deck.

Share decks with friends and on Hearthstone by clicking on a "Share" icon.

Recent changes:
Added translations for cards

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