HomeAppsFinanceDigital CollectionApps like Digital Collection Here are some great alternatives to Digital Collection by INERIAM Ingeniería Multimedia : Smart CashBook ★4.4 InvoiceTemple: Invoice billing ★4.7 Free Invoice Generator - Estim ★4.7 Invoice Generator and Estimate ★4.8 Receipt & Estimate Maker ★4.1 Easy Invoice & Estimate Maker ★4.7 Categorizr: Receipt Scanner ★4.0 Associated Bank Digital ★4.7 Debt Book ★4.0 Express Invoice Invoicing ★4.1 Business Manager ★3.5 DENTAL CASHFLOW ★4.5 Invoice Maker | Bill clients | ★4.4 CashKateb ★3.5 Customers note ★4.9 Invoice Maker by Billdu ★4.7