HomeAppsLifestyleDiscipleshipNow UPCIApps like DiscipleshipNow UPCI Here are some great alternatives to DiscipleshipNow UPCI by United Pentecostal Church Intl : Christ's Church ★4.8 Jesus Disciple ★4.8 Wesleyan Discipleship ★5.0 JO App (JesusOnline) ★4.5 LifeLine Discipleship ★3.4 After Salvation ★5.0 Harvest Discipleship ★4.7 Bible Engagement Project ★4.7 TOPCI ★5.0 Daily Meditation- Faith & Work ★4.7 Prayer Tents ★5.0 The Meeting House ★4.7 Ligonier Ministries ★4.2 Seed Sower ★5.0 Inspiration Ministries ★4.9 Rivers Of Life Radio ★5.0