HomeAppsProductivityDropsync: Autosync for DropboxApps like Dropsync: Autosync for Dropbox Here are some great alternatives to Dropsync: Autosync for Dropbox by MetaCtrl : Auto Sync: File Backup Restore ★4.3 Dropbox: Secure Cloud Storage ★4.4 Sync - Backup and Restore ★3.4 FolderSync ★4.3 FolderSync Pro ★4.5 Resilio Sync ★3.7 Files Cloud Storage & Backup ★3.8 PasswdSafe Sync ★4.2 Titanium Media Sync ★3.4 Simple Text - w Dropbox sync ★4.3 MEGA ★4.5 SugarSync ★3.4 Cloud: Video, photo storage ★4.3 Air Explorer ★3.5 Jazz Drive - Unlimited Storage ★4.3 Hivenet: Secure Cloud Storage ★4.2