HomeAppsToolsEasyMonitoringApps like EasyMonitoring Here are some great alternatives to EasyMonitoring by EasyJoin : Bamowi - Battery Temperature ★4.6 Castro - system info ★4.5 Castro Premium - system info ★4.7 PowerMonX ★4.2 CPU Monitor - temperature ★4.3 Battery Monitor Mini Pro ★4.6 Battery Monitor ★4.0 Battery Guard Remote ★3.8 tempCube - Temperature Monitor ★4.1 Battery Monitor Mini ★4.6 Battery manager and monitor ★4.6 Storage and memory monitor ★4.2 Powerful RAM Monitor Pro ★4.2 BatterySnap (Battery Snap) ★4.3 Phone Temperature ★4.2 Network Speed - Speed Meter ★4.5