HomeAppsEducationEdubooksApps like Edubooks Here are some great alternatives to Edubooks by Hi Dev - San Francisco Mobile App & Web Dev Team : BookTrapper: Sell Textbooks ★4.1 BookScouter - sell & buy books ★4.5 BooksRun: Sell books for cash ★4.4 Sellwase ★5.0 Ethio Digital Library ★4.3 Sell books with World of Books ★4.0 RedShelf eReader ★4.0 Tamilnadu Textbook, Solution ★4.2 Ethiopian Textbooks ★3.8 TT Math 6 ★3.8 TT Math 5 ★4.1 TT Algebra 1 ★3.4 TT Math 3 ★3.8 TT Math 4 ★4.3 TT Algebra 2 ★3.2 TT Pre-Calculus ★4.3