HomeAppsMaps & NavigationefoBus 2.0 - Transit on timeApps like efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time Here are some great alternatives to efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time by efoBus - Transit on time : OASTH Bus ★3.2 Bustime ★3.7 ViaBus – Live Transit & Map ★4.5 Go Birmingham ★4.0 London Live Bus Times ★4.4 CityBus Mariupol ★3.9 Hafelati ★3.6 CityBus ★4.7 London Bus Times TfL Countdown ★4.5 New Cairo Metro ★4.9 321Transit Bus Tracker ★3.8 BusBahnBim ★4.9 Merced The Bus ★3.7 RTD Transit Watch ★3.2 LA Metro Transit Tracker ★4.0 Bus Times -Live Public Transit ★4.3