HomeGamesBoardElectronic Dice 2.0Games like Electronic Dice 2.0 Here are some great alternatives to Electronic Dice 2.0 by Francesco Maggio : Dice Classic: Roll, Lock, Play ★4.2 Talking Dice Roller 3D ★4.6 Dice Roller 3d - Shake & Roll ★4.3 3D dice ★4.0 Just Dice: Dice Simulator ★3.8 GameMaster Dice ★4.0 Dice App for board games ★4.6 Roll Dice ★4.2 Roll the Dice ★4.2 Dice Roller: Shake & Roll Dice ★4.1 Rolld Virtual Dice ★3.3 Dice - the dice roller ★3.8 Dice App: Custom Dice Roller ★3.9 Dice Roller: Roll, shift, save ★3.8 Genesys Dice ★4.6 Exploding Dice ★4.8