Fairway Market
Icon Fairway Market

Fairway Market

by Wakefern

Plan your shopping trip and browse digital coupons for easy savings

App NameFairway Market
Download Size73 MB
Latest Version24.37.0
Average Rating4.37
Rating Count169
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Screenshot Fairway Market
Screenshot Fairway Market
Screenshot Fairway Market
Screenshot Fairway Market
All the tools you need for savings, recipes, digital coupons and more–all right at your fingertips! The Fairway Market app makes it easier to plan and shop while saving you time with these benefits -

Simple Navigation
Simple and easy to use interface. Easily navigate or use search to find products you love faster.

Weekly Circular
View circular pages in the app. Add items to your cart or lists, while browsing circular items by category.

Digital Coupons
Browse and clip digital coupons to load directly to your account.

Grocery Delivery
Order grocer delivery powered by Instacart.

Manage Lists
Create, rename, remove and set active shopping lists. Add any item to lists from the app.

Loyalty Card
Save your Fairway Insider Card to your Wallet or quickly access it within our app.

Download the app and enjoy a seamless shopping experience today!

Recent changes:
We have updated the Fairway Market app to make your grocery shopping more efficient and convenient than ever! We’ve fixed some minor bugs and improved overall app performance, ensuring your in-store experience runs smoothly. Download the latest update now and enjoy a smoother, hassle-free grocery shopping experience!

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