HomeGamesSimulationFairy VillageGames like Fairy Village Here are some great alternatives to Fairy Village by HyperBeard : Sunrise Village: Farm Game ★4.6 Charm Farm: Village Games ★4.1 Merge Village : Fantasy Puzzle ★4.4 Animal Village: Forest Ranch ★4.7 Ancient Village ★4.3 Smurfs' Village ★4.5 Virtual Villagers 6 ★3.8 My Magical Town Fairy Land ★3.7 Ancient Village 3 ★4.5 Virtual Villagers Origins 2 ★3.3 The Tribez: Build a Village ★4.4 Fairy Land Rescue ★3.9 Village Life Farm Family 2023 ★4.3 Fantasy Island Sim: Fun Forest ★4.5 Master Craft - Survival Craft ★4.1 Pony Tales: My Magic Horse ★4.4