HomeAppsToolsFight the BiteApps like Fight the Bite Here are some great alternatives to Fight the Bite by County of San Diego : Mosquito Alert ★3.3 Fight The Bites! ★4.3 Kill Mosquito ★3.8 Mosquito Killer ★3.6 Moshquito! ★4.3 MosKill ★3.9 Mosquito.io ★4.4 heat it® - Insect bite healer ★4.8 Bird Buddy: Tap into nature ★4.8 Viruses ★4.6 Virus Evolution: Destroy Earth ★4.1 World of Wings ★4.9 EDCC Disease Alerts ★5.0 NestWatch by the Cornell Lab ★3.2 OVERSEEZ ★4.5 Ultimate Bird Simulator ★4.2