HomeAppsFood & DrinkFirehouse SubsApps like Firehouse Subs Here are some great alternatives to Firehouse Subs by Firehouse Subs : The Great Outdoors Sub Shop ★4.7 Cousins Subs ★4.6 Philadelphia Pizza & Subs ★4.8 SoCal Subs ★4.9 Sub Station II ★4.5 Port of Subs ★4.6 Subway® - Official App ★3.4 Crosby's ★4.7 Matchbox ★4.2 Grotto Restaurant ★4.9 Druther's Restaurant ★4.7 Hub's Restaurant ★5.0 Fire & Chicken ★4.9 Honolulu Grill ★4.9 Hawaiian Island Grill ★4.8 Inferno Pizza Lounge To Go ★4.8